Food, Near Food, Non Food
No other personnel consultancy in Europe is as deeply rooted in the consumer goods market as we are. The name Hofmann has stood for exclusive connections with the leading companies in retail and industry for more than 30 years. We fill a wide variety of positions at all executive levels, and in particular, we advise our clients on appointments to supervisory and advisory boards. Our expertise extends to the following market segments:
Retail (wholesale and retail)
Stationary retail
Distance and mail order sales
Multichannel providers and pure players
Wholesale and collaborations
Special formats (e.g. factory outlets, convenience stores, etc.)
The retail sector has been going through a turbulent period for some time. Production, distribution and sales channels as well as the contact with the customer have changed fundamentally and are still changing. These upheavals offer innovative companies substantial opportunities for establishing themselves in the market or repositioning themselves and taking the leap into a new era.
This can only succeed if the necessary expertise and innovative strength are brought on board, if managers are sought and found who combine in-depth expertise with visionary thinking and who do not lose sight of the company’s values at the same time. These individuals are rare, but they do exist.
As consumer behaviour and expectations change all the time, retailers need to undergo a digital transformation to operate successfully in the market. Consumers with good digital skills are fundamentally changing the structure of the retail industry.
The consumers of today have unprecedented access to products and information. Retailers need to develop consumer-centric business models which offer consistent and increasingly personalised services on both online and offline channels.